Off Center Games is the fusion of comic book store, board game and RPG store, and a trading card shop. Combining these three shops together has created a great little shop that provides for all the geeky needs of our community.
When Travis was young his mother hated him going into /omics/gaming stores which she described as dirty and a bit scary. We've aimed to make the store friendly bright and a fun place to be. In short it's safe to bring your Mom but we've got all the stuff you want.
We're not only for the hardcore gaming enthusiast but for the new comer and the part time gamer. Drop in for a weekly board game or stop buy for one of our tournaments. We've got great games and plenty of fun.
However, we don't carry video games. We're sorry but we can't compete with the internet and services like Steam and X-box Live. We'll be glad to point you to merchants in our community who can order video games and who sell them but you won't find many here.