So Folks who have been in the Shop of late might wonder about our eventual move. Here is the deal. Our Building belongs to a group of businessmen who own the hotel next door. The Hotel is looking to expand and we with them all the luck. To expand they plan on heading south which means that our building will be destroyed. This is of course only when the raise enough money to get the building off the ground. So we were given an estimate of some time this year that the building might be torn down. Vaguely it was summer time but now it might be fall or it might be not at all. That's how much information we've gotten. So in February we began looking for a potential home for our shop. Let me say this rent in Moab is crazy and all of the commercial spaces like our shop are being transformed into overnight rentals. This leaves us with a couple of options. Move the shop out of town and into the County. This puts us farther away from walking traffic but keeps our checkbook a little safer. Secondly we could buy our own building. Ownership is good but still expensive. Thirdly we could rent in town but away from Main Street. Still expensive but within walking distance. Last we could put the Shop in a "Bookmobile" and travel around the state selling our comics in various towns. We've been working on all of these but not to much fruition. So if you have any ideas let us know.