This limited format is a great way to get back into magic and not worry about having all the best cards to start out. We hope you'll join us. Sign up at the store to guarantee a spot. Entry fee is $20.00 and includes the Starter Back a Deck Box and Your first weeks admission. Every Week after is $5 bucks which goes towards the grand prize. The number of participants determine the Prize at the End of the League.
6 Players 1st Prize Return to Ravinca Fat Pack
2nd Return to Ravinca Event Deck
Random Winner Prize
12 Players 1st Prize Return to Ravinca Booster Box
2 Prize Return to Ravnica Fat pack
Random Winner Prize
Remember the Starter decks will be Random Draw and not every Intro Deck is the best there is a chance you could come out lucky but there is plenty of time to turn your luck around as well.